I will apologize in advance about the number of photos here but there were over 900 to choose from and they were all good so you are definitely getting the "Reader's Digest" version!!! Thanks to Elise for always doing such a great job and to John and Casey for the use of your B&B.

Papa & Nan with their favorite peeps!

The big girls....
Jolee says.....hey I count too........

Gigi & Pappa Joe

The Melsons

The Teschows


I see you!!!!

Really, it's THIS way.........

Cutest Cousins......


Bathing Beauties....
I DID wash behind my ears.............

Guess what I'm doing over here????
There's a monster in my tub................eeeekkkk!

What great pictures!!!! WOW! I love the colors y'all went with...so pretty!