Thursday, May 27, 2010

Additions to the family....

Ashlee and Brandon's boxers (Gus and Lori) became the proud parents of EIGHT babies yesterday. They are too cute! Four boys and four girls.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Babysitting of another sort......

I haven't been posting much lately, but this is what has been keeping me busy....
Garden #1....Joseph brought this boat home about 4 years ago and thought it would be neat to plant veggies in.........outgrew that the first year. Now I plant wax beans (less bending to pick) and onions in here.

Garden #2 came the next year and I outgrew that too so now it is just tomatoes and peppers.

Check these out!

Roma's...never grew these before.....doing pretty good.

I think my bell peppers have been taking steroids behind my back.....

Garden #3 (which is actually #4...last year I outgrew that spot and decided to move it here because it has a little shade) Dad came and dug this up for me this year....

Thornless blackberries in raised bed....probably won't get enough for a pie but maybe next year...

Check this "trellis" Joe put up for my cucumbers....he griped about it for about 45 minutes and it took him less than 10 to put it up......never grown them this way far they see to be getting the idea.....

Eggplant bloom........never tried these before either but Brandon likes them so I have four plants...

Spaghetti squash going nuts...........

Roses in the raised bed on the other end of garden. The two on the right (red and yellow) I transplanted from another spot. Didn't look too good for a while but now they are happy.
Next to the yellow is a lavendar, then a Tropicana because that's what Mamaw always had in her garden and on the end a pink - just because I liked it!

Asparagus....some is two years old and I added some this year. It takes three years to be able to harvest so maybe next year!!!

Front to back: zucchini, okra (not hot enough for it to do much yet) and yellow squash.

So I have been a little busy and if all this produces I may be even busier........maybe I should set up a little stand in the front yard and sell the excess????

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New tooth for Jolee

Jolee cut a top tooth on Sunday and it looks as though the other one will be right behind it although she is now "shy" about you looking at her teeth!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

Favorite toys, bowls and a spice jar with a penny inside....go figure!

Mimi's party on Saturday

This was pretty amazing at Mimi's party.....six babies related to her under the age of 10 months. Left to right....Rylie Lloyd (June), Aiden Melson (July), Jolee Telschow (August), Sawyer Schneider(December), Georgia Kubena (January), Addison Holcomb (February)

Mommies L to R: On floor, Brooke Paul Lloyd, Alyssa Ofczarzak Melson, Ashlee Ofczarzak Telschow, Sara Sebesta Schneider, Marti Sebesta Kubena, Jill Malazzo Holcomb

Grandma's: Laurie Frieda and Rylie, Jeanine Malazzo and Addison, Sharon Sebesta with Sawyer and Georgia, Bridget Ofczarzak with Aiden and Jolee. Laurie and Jeanine are Laverne Addison's daughters (Gilbert's sister), Sharon is Gilbert's daughter and Bridget is Earlene's niece.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hanging Out on Friday

Jolee to Papa Joe -- Uh, you do know my birthday is coming up?????

My favorite "toy"

"I'm holding on tight, see?"

Excuse me, my phone is ringing.......