Thursday, January 28, 2010

My babies are growing..........

Haven't had much time lately to post anything. Spent a week in Austin at our TEPAP conference two weeks ago and leave again next Wednesday for Tampa Florida for AAPEX.....but then I'm done - woohoo!
Here are some recent shots....

Jolee's usual position at Gigi's

Poppa Joe thinks I'm ready to walk...........not!

Note they are wearing the same kind of socks!

Driving my Jeep..

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Checking out my new purse....

Hey, this makes music!!!

Is this where the lipstick goes?????

Ride 'Em Cowboy!

Giddy Up!

I don't think Dad uses this hat anymore so I will....

Monday, January 4, 2010

And Happy New Year.....

Hanging out with Gigi waiting for the new year! And maybe a new tooth!

New Years Day...

This teething thing is annoying....

Must have been a tough night!!!!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve at Nan and Papa's

Okay, Let me explain how this works, I'm the girl and it's always "Lady's first" it?

New shopping aparatus'....

If you look close you will notice that Dad has my hair twisted up like Alfalfa - just wait til I am old enough to work on his!

Okay, I'm hungry now!!!

Okay, Pappa Joe decided that 5 months old was the perfect time for the kids to get Red Rider BB guns.................after all, they might not make the pink one anymore!!!!