Thursday, December 17, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ripple Christmas

We had the Ripple Christmas yesterday at Les & Debby's. It was a great day and of course we ate too much but itsn't that what you are supposed to do on holidays????? Some pics from the day...........

Great Pawpaw

Man, I'm so tired and I didn't even have turkey!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Jolee weighs in

Ashlee took Jolee to the doctor this morning for her second round of shots. She weighs 12.3 lbs and is 24" long. I think she may turn out long and skinny like her Mom!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Alyssa took Aiden to get his second round of shots on Monday. He weighed in at 17.2 lbs. He is 26 inches long. No wonder my hips hurt!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009


The babies were baptized yesterday. Jolee was kind of fussy because she should have eaten but was too busy watching everybody before the service. Aiden did eat on the way over and then proceeded to spit up on his little suit about halfway through!!! However it was a great day!

Jolee was wearing the dress that my Grandma Laffere crocheted for Alyssa and Ashlee to be baptized in......pretty cool!

So what did you think about that mini shower we got this morning?????

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hanging out.

My babies hanging out in their Bumpo on sunday....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


so...what's this treat or treating thing all about?

apparently involves a lot of picture taking....

ready for costumes!

 like how many more of these do we have to take????

..until they get tired....


Jolee's 2 month pictures

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New pics

Aiden trying out his Bumpo chair on Sunday

Jolee at Gigi's on Monday

Monday, October 12, 2009

Big Weekend

Practicing rolling over......

Aiden after his bath wearing Ashlee's Build-A-Bear sunglasses!!!

Hanging out at Gigi's on Friday night

Second wedding for the babies...

Sunday they were officially inducted into the Deanville Fire Department work force. They were both perched in their car seats on a table behind their Mom's while the moms served tea at the annual fundraiser........

Friday, October 9, 2009

Aiden Rocking and Rolling and some other cute shots!

What's up with the camera in my face again?????

New shoes Gigi bought!